

°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Population Health Sciences


Innovation & Enterprise

Research strengths within the Faculty of Population Health Sciences make it well-placed to develop cutting edge innovations and enterprise that deliver real patient benefits.

The four key areas the Faculty covers to achieve its innovation and enterprise ambitions to turn discoveries into useful products and services that will improve healthcare nationally and globally is through:Ìý

Entrepreneurship, Partnerships, Licensing and Consultancy.Ìý

Developments such as gene and cell therapy, combinations of personalised cell and immunotherapy, genomic medicine-supported patient stratification, and medicines for rare diseases provide new product opportunities and the opportunity for collaborations at the interface between research and industry.Ìý

empty meeting room


We work with a range of global partners across the public, private and third sectors and have a sizeable number of national industry contracts.  

dna orchard therapeutics


The Faculty has a strong record of forming start-up companies, for example in using innovative cell and gene therapies against genetic diseases and cancer. 

Post-licensing use of antiretroviral drugs in HIV-positive people


We offer a consultancy service through °×С½ãÂÛ̳ Consultants, which enables us to match the expertise of our Faculty's experts to client needs and requirements. 

Ways to work with us

Advice for academics

°Õ³ó±ðÌý°×С½ãÂÛ̳ Translational Research OfficeÌýprovides wide-ranging support for the development of industry partnerships and translational research.

Andy DuncanÌýis the Consultancy Manager covering FPHS and represents a first point of contact for academics wishing to undertake consultancy work and clients wishing to work with FPHS.

Visit the FPHS intranet for more details.

Advice for external partners

Ìýprovides a one-stop service for the provision of academic consultancy, expert witness, testing & analysis and bespoke training and short course services to external clients on behalf of °×С½ãÂÛ̳ academics and departments.

is the commercialisation company of °×С½ãÂÛ̳ and its partner NHS Trusts. We bring to market truly world-leading, world-changing technologies, innovations that have a real and positive impact on people's lives.

is an academic health science partnership, brings people and organisations together to transform the health and wellbeing of the population.

For more information on ways of working with our researchers, please visit theÌýEnterprise pages on the °×С½ãÂÛ̳ School of Medical and Life Sciences website.
