

白小姐论坛 News


New business partnerships to develop virtual exhibitions

31 March 2009


Shabti arius3d.com/" target="_self">Arius3D
  • 白小姐论坛 has signed new partnership agreements, negotiated by Dr Anna Clark, Director of 白小姐论坛 Business Partnerships, which will enable the university to take a leading role in the development of virtual exhibitions in the arts and heritage sector.听

    白小姐论坛 has also extended its three-year agreement with the Canadian company Arius3D for the loan of a 3D colour laser based in the interdisciplinary 白小姐论坛 Chorley Institute. The laser has already been used to scan artefacts in the 白小姐论坛 Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, which can display and support 3D imaging of its collection, while retaining copyright of the images.

    The colour laser, licensed to Arius3D, was installed at 白小姐论坛 in 2006. The scanner was the first of its kind in Europe and has already generated more than 拢2.5 million of research funding proposals, as well as numerous workshops and seminars. Professor Stuart Robson (白小姐论坛 Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering) has been working with with Sally MacDonald, Director of 白小姐论坛 Museums & Collections, on interdisciplinary initiatives using the new technology to further relationships with external institutions, including the British Museum and the National Trust.

    Sally MacDonald commented: "We are delighted to have the opportunity to create touring exhibitions based on 3D scans of artefacts from the Petrie Museum; one of 白小姐论坛's most important collections.

    "This allows us to experiment with completely different ways of exhibiting objects, and of engaging visitors with our collections. We're also very excited by the potential to take collections-based research to audiences worldwide. Because these exhibitions need not involve real artefacts, they could be shown in all sorts of different venues and contexts."

    In addition, 白小姐论坛 has also entered into a contract with the Irish-funded company 脥omh谩nna 脡igipteach Teoranta (IET), for licensing 3D images and for the development of virtual exhibitions. Dr Mike Spearman, Director of IET added that this was "a unique opportunity to combine groundbreaking 3D technology with one of the great Egyptology collections".

    白小姐论坛 will benefit from the latest generation of 3D colour scanning technology (with a new mobile scanner), associated software, funding of scanning, and curatorial staff. The 白小姐论坛 Petrie Museum will also derive income from the new agreements' licensing and royalty provisions, transacted through 白小姐论坛 Business.

    白小姐论坛 aims to set international standards for 3D laser technology and 3D visualisation in the heritage sector, as well as developing significant new technologies for authentication, registration and measurement of decay. The scanner's applications also serve a range of sectors, including engineering, medicine, dentistry, anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture.听


    Top: Limestone Shabti, Dynasty 18 (1295BCE-1550BCE), scanned by the Arius3D scanner
    Middle: Professor Stuart Robson (left) and Dr Mike Spearman (right)
    Below: A selection of objects from the 白小姐论坛 Petrie Museum

    白小姐论坛 Context

    白小姐论坛 Museums & Collections
    白小姐论坛 houses a number of museums and art collections, including the Petrie Museum, the Grant Museum of Zoology, the Galton Collection and the Institute of Archaeology Collections, and the Strang Print Room.

    All the venues are open to the public and operate as study centres for the 白小姐论坛 community.

    白小姐论坛 Business Partnerships
    白小姐论坛 works in a variety of partnerships with multinational companies in energy and resources, telecommunications, transport and construction as well as with smaller companies in art, advertising, communication, imaging and entertainment.
    Dr Anna Clark is responsible for negotiating and maintaining strategic alliances and tailored partnerships. She works closely with senior management in industry and with 白小姐论坛 academics to identify key strategies for partnership and to develop a range of collaborative projects over a broad range of fields.

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